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You are here: Ribbons & Menus > Cut & Fill > Cutters Section > Straight

Using the Straight Cutter

The straight cutter lets you make a straight cut across an object. You can also choose the style of the edge.

To use the Straight Cutter, perform the following steps:

  1. Select an element or group of elements you want to cut.
  2. Click Straight.

    Note: You may be prompted to flatten the item. To flatten the item, click Flatten on the Layout ribbon.

  3. Select the desired cutter.
View examples of each straight cut.
  1. Adjust the angle and location of the cutting tool.
  2. Choose a cutting option from the dialog. Each option displays a shaded area that can be duplicated or cut.

    Note: The options in each dialog may differ slightly, based on the edge chosen.


Option Explanation
Swap the shaded and unshaded sections

This option flips the shaded area covering the element to the opposite half.

Keep the shaded section

Keeps the shaded section, and removes the unshaded.

Keep the unshaded section Keeps the unshaded section, and removes the shaded.
Keep both sections

Keeps both sections.

  1. Your cut is applied.

    Tip: It is often hard to see a straight cut as the element does not move. Look for your slices in the Elements panel.




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