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Software Options

You can adjust several functions of the software in the Software options dialog box, including warning display, auto save, and software updates.

Perform the following steps to adjust the software options:

  1. Click the Help button.
  2. Select Options.
  3. The Software Options dialog box displays. Adjust the setting to your preferences. 
Options Explanation
General options

How do you want the Software to start? Controls whether the application starts in Basic or Advanced mode. The options are:

  • Basic Mode
  • Advanced Mode
  • Ask each time

Magnify recent project selection When checked, the project your mouse is over is magnified.

Use online help (requires connection to Internet) Artisan uses online help to provide up-to-date help and a better help experience. If you are using the application without an Internet connection, and need to access help, you can unselect it.

Show all messages I turned off using "Don't show this again" This resets all the messages to show by default.

Reset File associations resets the Windows file associations for the built-in PAPAGE and PAPROJ files so that they are associated with (and open with) Artisan. It also gives the user the option to make Artisan the default handler for .page, .projectx, .png, and .jpg files.


Page Editing
  • Auto save pages: This option turns on Auto Save. Auto Save does not save your project on a regular basis. Instead, Auto Save saves your page whenever you move to a different page in your project.
  • Save a backup when saving changes to a page: This saves a backup copy of the page in a separate location.
  • Use smooth element positioning: When checked, drag-and-drop moves smoother.
  • Use aggressive memory management: Artisan uses less memory, but the application will run slower.
Text style

Set the default style for new text boxes.

Reset to system default Returns the text settings to their original defaults.

Spell checking Set defaults for spell checking. You can also edit the user dictionary if you have added an incorrect word.
Warning levels

You can set the warning levels for the:

  • Page editor
  • Elements list
  • Order preview

The settings can be set to:

  • Hide all warnings
  • Show only critical warnings
  • Show all warnings

A Critical Warning indicates that something that will impact the quality of the print. This includes a low pixel count, or text that does not fit in the text box. If the warning is regarding low pixel count for a frame, this is not considered a critical warning.

Indicates the image has a low pixel count. This could impact print quality.

Indicates that not all text is appearing on the page.

  • Show prompt when opening a page file from a project folder When checked, Artisan asks you if you want to open the project a page belongs to when you try to open the page itself.
  • Maximum number of pages kept in the recycle bins: This sets the maximum number of pages stored in a recycle bin by Artisan. Once the maximum number is reached, the oldest deleted page is removed to make room for the next page.
Software updates

Specify how often the software should search online for updates. When an update is available, the software will notify you in a dialog box upon opening and in the Software Updates panel of the Welcome Page.

Note: You must be connected to the Internet to search for updates.

Technical support

Provides a link to support as well as reports to help support representatives to resolve your issue.

Upload diagnostic report This links allows you to easily upload information that a support representative can use to resolve your issue.

System Info This button can be used at the direction of support representatives to help troubleshoot an issue.


3. Click OK. Your settings are applied and saved.




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